29 Item(s)

Hand-Tied Bouquet

Our Hand-Tied Bouquet Collection includes a compilation of cut flowers that you or the recipient may place in a vase of your own. It is wrapped beautifully in paper or fabric, cellophane and ribbon which will arrive in a foam based watersource and include a floral preservative packet. This is ideal for those who already have plenty of vases at home and would like to get more value in the blooms themselves! 

DELIVERIES: Your order will be delivered between 8am-6pm (weather permitted). Delivery time requests are not guaranteed however you may request AM or PM in the special instructions at check out and we will try our best to accommodate. Delivery confirmations are sent by email when you provide your email address at check out. 

Please do your best to confirm that your flower recipient will be at the delivery location and provide an alternative phone number if possible. Refer to our FAQs page to learn more about our delivery process. 

In range: Our shop serves the following areas in Ontario and Quebec: Ottawa, Gloucester, Hull, Gatineau, Aylmer, Orleans, Kanata, Stittsville, Nepean, Barrhaven, Manotick, Greely, Cumberland, and Vanier

Out of range: Rockland, Deep Manotick, Carp, Richmond, Vars, Russell, Carlsbad Springs, Dunrobin, Cantley, Chelsea, Hammond, etc

PICKUPS: Your order will be ready for pickup between the hours of 9am-5pm on the pickup date you've requested. Please allow 2 hours for same day orders. 

Thank you for shopping at our local Ottawa flower shop! We appreciate our customers and look forward to providing you with your orders. 

Designer's Choice Fresh Hand-Tied Bouquet

If you're not sure what to get, leave it up to our designers to pick the blooms and create a beautiful hand-tied bouquet! We will work within your budget and create an entirely unique design that is not available in our collections. Please note: The image used is an example of a hand tied bouquet. It is not a reference for...

Classic Red Roses

Our stunning Red Rose Bouquet is a classic romantic gesture that will have them falling head over heels in love with each exquisite bloom. Hand gathered in select floral farms & flaunting a rich red hue accented with white starry gypsophilia , this flower arrangement has been picked fresh for you to help you celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or convey...

Mixed Roses Wrapped Bouquet

Turn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this premium mixed rose bouquet. Hand gathered in select floral farms and boasting an array of bright hues, this flower arrangement has been picked fresh for you, and will delight your special recipient with each vibrant bloom. 

Dark & Misty Hand-tied

Substitutions may apply. If a particular item is not available we will provide the best possible substitution.    

Lavender Pastel Hand Tied Bouquet

If a particular item is not available we will provide the best possible substitution.

Soft & Neutral Hand-Tied Bouquet

Photo may appear larger than it is. If a particular item is not available we provide the best possible substitution.

Vibrant & Colourful Hand-tied Bouquet

If a particular item is not available we will provide the best possible substitution

Sunset Ombre Hand-Tied Bouquet

If a particular item is not available we will provide the best possible substitution. 

Lady in White Hand Tied Bouquet

If a particular item is not available we will provide the best possible substitution. Does not include a vase.